
Data Protection

We inform you that the data you send through this electronic form will be incorporated to the information systems of CATENON, S.A. Said communication will be used exclusively to attend to your request. By indicating your data, and in conformance with the establishments of the general data protection regulation, you grant your express consent to CATENON S.A. to proceed, in compliance with the purposes mentioned in the above section, with the treatment of the personal data provided. However, at any time you can exercise your rights through the address: lopd@catenon.com. The data that you provide through our website or any other means will be incorporated to a database owned by Cátenon. The data collected will be stored for 6 years and will not be granted to third parties.

Cátenon S.A. informs its users that, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation for data controllers, published by the supervisory authorities, AEPD, APDCAT, Basque Data Protection Agency, and in order to make it possible for you to exercise your rights, at all times the Principle of Transparency will be applicable. All of the information sent to you by Cátenon will be clear, easy to access and using clear and simple language. For this reason, Cátenon, according to the provisions of article 12.2 of the General Data Protection Regulation, makes the forms for exercise of these rights available to the affected parties.

Right to Erasure.

Based on Art. 17 of the EU Regulation 679, dated 27 April 2016, you have the right to obtain, without undue delay, from Cátenon S.A., the erasure of your personal data in the case of any of the following events:

  • When your personal data is no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which you provided it to us.
  • When you withdraw your consent upon which the processing is based and there are no other legal grounds.
  • When you oppose the treatment and there are no other prevailing legitimate grounds for processing.
  • When you consider that your personal data has been illegally processed.
  • When the personal data must be erased for compliance with a legal obligation established in the Union or Member State Law as applicable to the data controller.

Right to Restriction of Processing.

According to Art. 18 of the General Data Protection Regulation, you will have the right to obtain from Cátenon S.A. the restriction of processing in order to limit processing of the same in the future:

  • When you contest the accuracy of the personal data during a period which permits Cátenon to verify the accuracy of the same.
  • When the processing is unlawful and you oppose the erasure of your personal data, requesting instead the restriction of its use.
  • When Cátenon no longer requires the personal data for the purpose of processing, but you need it for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.
  • When you have oppose the processing by exercising your right to oppose, while it is verified whether the legitimate grounds of Cátenon override those of the data subject.

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