
Data Protection Policy

The data controller for the CATENON S.A. brings to your attention that there is an automated file with data of a personal nature as well as a general documentary file containing personal data called CANDIDATES registered in the General Registry of the Spanish Data Protection Agency. The purpose of its creation, existence and maintenance is data processing with the sole purposes of complying with the company purpose of carrying out the selection of candidates. The recipients of the information are all associated departments, divisions, premises and entities in which CATENON S.A. is engaged in, as well as official bodies that by law require the disclosure. In the same way, you authorise the communication of your data to third parties who contract the services of personnel selection from Catenon S.A. The data you have provided to us shall be processed solely for the processes of personnel selection carried out by Cátenon SA. This data may be disclosed to the companies offering a job in which you opted for after the forwarding of the data provided.

Likewise, the data provided by you, as well as the filmed technical interview, shall be incorporated in the KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT file, duly registered in the General Data Protection Registry, for the purpose of taking advantage of the knowledge acquired in the selection processes to optimise our processes, after such a learning process.

The answers to the questions raised in the forms at your disposal, as well as in the filmed technical interview are of a mandatory character. The refusal to provide the requested data shall result in the impossibility of being assisted by our services. In any case the signatory has the right to exercise their rights of opposition, access, rectification and cancellation in the area recognised by RGPD 679 UE. The data controller is CATENON S.A. and in order to exercise the rights mentioned above, and for any clarification, you can write to CATENON S.A. Paseo de la Castellana, 93, Edif. Cadagua, 28046, Madrid.

Informed and in accordance with what is stated in the previous paragraph, I HEREBY AGREE AND EXPRESSLY AUTHORISE CATENON S.A. to process personal data that I voluntarily provide through the forms, I disclose in attachments, and is recorded in the filmed technical interview, throughout the process for selection and intermediation, in accordance with RGPD 679 UE, limiting the authorisation to the fulfilment of the purposes directly related to the legitimate duties of the assignee in the scope of the institution, its departments, local collaborators and attached institutions thereto, as well as disclosure to the relevant public or private public official departments required for the effective performance of its duties and in the fulfilment of its objective.

If you do not agree with any of the points mentioned, please let us know within a period of thirty days from the receipt of this communication. Otherwise, we understand that you totally agree with it. To continue you must accept that you have read and agree with the above clause.

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