Technical Reporting Specialist

London (United Kingdom)
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Technical Reporting Specialist

London (United Kingdom)

Ref: IC65814440 February 26, 2025 Konsumgüter



This position will report to the Group Reporting Director to support consolidation and external reporting activities of the company. His/her responsibility includes implementing and improving the external reporting processes from individual statutory accounts to consolidated accounts. Key Responsibilities • Statutory audits/reporting, in collaboration with the finance team of each company: o Group: - Group audit calendar management and ensure timely reporting - Support our ‘external statutory group consolidation service provider’ for any group consolidation related matters - Prepare management consolidation for internal packs - First point of contact of auditors for any group related audit matters o Subsidiaries: - Coordination and monitoring of individual subsidiary statutory reporting requirements - Homogenization of audit deliverables that should be consistent across all subsidiaries • Technical accounting: o Maintaining Group accounting policies and ensure consistency across the organisation o Provide technical accounting (IFRS) guidance • Processes and Controls: o Supports in setting up, documentation and implementation of processes and controls for financial reporting o Performs reviews and monitoring of the group’s compliance to these processes and controls • Compliance: o Monitor group’s compliance with any agreements, laws and regulations • Others: o Coordination and management of various finance teams o Supports in management reporting when needed o Support other tasks as and when the need arises Skills, Qualifications and Experience Must have: • Qualified accountant with minimum of 3 years post qualification experience • Big 4 audit background with post qualified experience in FMCG Industry • In depth IFRS experience • Hands on experience in testing controls • Consolidation preparation/review experience, with multi currencies • Confident IT software user • Great attention to detail and having ‘get things right first time’ mindset • Multitasking and open to additional responsibilities • Proactivity and problem-solving attitude • Ability to work independently, demonstrate initiative and exercise judgment • Respect of strict deadlines and processes • Ability to maintain confidentiality • Great communication skills Additional skills desired: • Luxury sector and/or production experience is a plus

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